Нийтлэлч В.Ганзориг одоогоос яг 777 жилийн өмнө Гүюг хааны Поп Инносент IV-д явуулж байсан захидал, бас урилгыг орчуулан англи хэл дээрх бүрэн эхтэй нь хамт нүүр намдоо оруулсныг нийтэлж байна. Нийтлэлч энэ тухай "Энэ урилга хэдхэн хоногийн дараа Улаанбаатарт хэрэгжих нь" хэмээн бичжээ.
"Энэхүү зарлигийг их Папад мэдтүгэй хэмээн илгээв. Карал нутагт… зөвлөлдөөд хүлцэнгүй байхыг гуйн илгээснийг Танай элч нараас сонсов. Та нар хэлсэн үгээрээ болох аваас их Пап чи манай газар иртүгэй. Бид тэр тухайд засаг зарлиг бүрийг Та нарт сонсгон дагуулъя… Тэнгэрийн хүчинд наран мандах газраас наран жаргах газар бүгдээрээ биднээ заяажээ… Эдүгээ Та нар “бид харьяат болж хамаг эд агуурсаа Та бүхэнд өгтүгэй” хэмээн чи шударгаар хэлбээс зохино. Чи өөрөө вангуудаа тэргүүлэн хамаг улсаа аван, хүлцэнгүй байж хүчээ өгөхөөр иртүгэй… Харин Та нар тэнгэрийн зарлигийг үл даган манай зарлигийг эсэргүүцэх аваас Та нар дайсан болно. Эл учрыг Та нар мэдтүгэй. Харин үүнээс бусаар явбаас юу болохыг бид мэдэх гэж үү, гагцүү Тэнгэр л мэднэ!
Guyug Khan’s letter to Pope Innocent IV (1246)1
We, by the power of the eternal heaven,
Khan of the great Ulus2
Our command:-
This is a version sent to the great Pope, that he may know and understand in the [Muslim] tongue, what has been written. The petition of the assembly held in the lands of the Emperor [for our support], has been heard from your emissaries.
If he reaches [you] with his own report, Thou, who art the great Pope, together with all the Princes, come in person to serve us. At that time I shall make known all the commands of the Yasa.
You have also said that supplication and prayer have been offered by you, that I might find a good entry into baptism. This prayer of thine I have not understood. Other words which thou hast sent me: “I am surprised that thou hast seized all the lands of the Magyar and the Christians. Tell us what their fault is.” These words of thine I have also not understood. The eternal God has slain and annihilated these lands and peoples, because they have neither adhered to Chingis Khan, nor to the Khagan3, both of whom have been sent to make known God’s command, nor to the command of God. Like thy words, they also were impudent, they were proud and they slew our messenger-emissaries. How could anybody seize or kill by his own power contrary to the command of God?
Though thou likewise sayest that I should become a trambling Nestorian Christian, worship god and be an ascetic, how knowest thou whom God absolves, in truth to whom He shows mercy? How dost thou know that such words as thou speakers are with God’s sanction? From the rising of the sun to its setting, all the lands have been made subject to me. Who could do this contrary to the command of God?
Now you should say with a sincere heart: “I will submit and serve you.” Thou thyself, at the head of all the Princes, come at once to serve and wait upon us! At that time I shall recognize your submission.
If you do not observe God’s command, and if you ignore my command, I shall know you as my enemy. Likewise I shall make you understand. If you do otherwise, God know what I know.
At the end of Jumada the second in the year 6444.
The seal
We, by the power of the eternal Tengri, universal Khan of the great Mongol Ulus-our command. If this reaches peoples who have made their submission, let them respect and stand in awe of it.
1 -Translated from the Persian
2 – Ulus is a large or small social group, here consisting of all the peoples under the supreme ruler as a community
3 – Khagan is the supreme ruler
4 – The date at the end of the document corresponds to November A.D. 1246.
On July 9, 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received official copies of letters of khans of the Ilkhanate to the Popes. Copies of letters from Pope Innocent IV to Guyuk Khan /1245.03.13/, Pope Urban IV to Khulegu Khan /1263.05.23/, Abaqa Khan to Pope Clement IV /summer of 1268/, Pope Nicholas III to Abaqa Khan /1278.04.01/, travel permit given to the envoys of Roman Catholic Church by Abaqa Khan, two letters from Pope Nicholas IV to Argun Khan /1288.04.02/ and the letter from Argun Khan to Pope Nicholas IV were received.